New Nexus Smartphone 2015 news: Is Huawie contracted to build new Nexus phone?

There are rumors that Google is set to release another Nexus phone variant but the question in people's minds is who will make it and when?

If this rumors is true than perhaps we may be seeing one before the year ends. But the thing is, if authentic, the phone will be made by a Chinese manufacturer which will mark the first time that Google would be partnering up with one in the person of Huawei.

But a second source further spurs interest to this possibility since the person who claimed that this will happen is involved in the yet-to-be confirmed project. As far as details are concerned, the only thing that was confirmed that Huawei is indeed working on it and that it could be out later this year.

With no official specs to look forward to for now, rumors claim that the said device would be coming out with a 5.7-inch Quad HD display and that it will run on a Snapdragon 810 processor. Other than those two main specs, other things to look forward to are still up in the air.

Before, Google had linked up with other phone manufacturing companies to come out with previous variants. That list includes LG and Motorola. And now with word that Google is hooking up with a Chinese manufacturer, Huawei has been rumored to be that group. Such was claimed by iSuppli director Kevin Yang though it has yet to be confirmed if his announcement is indeed authentic and happening.

If Huawei does come out with a device on their end for Google, it would most likely affirm earlier rumors that two devices are on their way out later this year.

Aside from Huawei, LG may also come out with one meaning folks can look forward to two new phones coming out before 2015 ends.