New Prayer Event for Young Adults in London

A new prayer event for young adults (16-30) will be launched 5 October, at St Andrew's, Holborn Circus, London.

Rt Rev Richard Chartres, Anglican Diocese of London said: "The Spirit is moving in the new Europe and I very much look forward to this new initiative which will bring young people together from around London to pray together inspired by the Gospel".

Inspired by 'Jesus Christ the Fullness of Life', where 2000 young adults gathered to process and pray through the streets of London during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2005, the new prayer event will be titled 'Jesus Christ the Fullness of Life the prayer continues'.

On the first Thursday of each month at 7:30pm, the prayer aims to offer young adults the chance to discover real meaning in their lives through an experience of the Word of God.

The evening will begin with prayer and music and reflections from the Word of God. A time of fellowship will be provided, where many will have the opportunity to meet others searching for meaning in their lives.

Bishop Bernard Longley said: "This is an opportunity for us to come together in prayer and we need that more than ever. After 40 years of dialogue we need to reinforce that and begin in prayer."

Rev Nicky Gumbel, Pioneer of the Alpha Course, commented: "What unites us is infinitely greater than what divides us. It is always so exciting and powerful when churches get together to be a witness to Christ and to pray for our city."

In addition, Mgr. Keith Barltrop, Director of CASE, endorsed this view saying: "Praying for unity amongst Christians is a vital and evangelising work. Through this event young people in England and Wales will be witnessing powerfully to their faith in Jesus Christ."