New Scotland Evangelical Head Vows to Tackle Community Problems

The new head of the Scottish Evangelical Alliance, Dr Fred Drummond will take up his post on Saturday 1 July 2006.

|TOP|Dr Drummond, who has been a Church of Scotland Minister in Perth for the past 15 years, has commented that as he takes up his new position that one of his main concerns is that Scotland is becoming an increasingly fragmented society, with community and family relationships breaking down, and many people feeling isolated and hopeless.

He declared that this was an area that he intended to tackle full-on from his new post.

“The Evangelical Alliance represents Christians of all denominations across Scotland, and I hope to encourage individual Christians, and Churches, to work together to heal the divisions in Scotland,” Dr Drummond said.

He continued, “The Churches already do a great deal of youth work, and encourage relationships through marriage and parenting courses; I want to encourage more people who don’t normally attend Church to find out how valuable Christian teaching on these matters can be to a stable family and community life.

|AD|“We must encourage Christians to make a difference in the nation. When we work together we can bring transformation.”

Dr Drummond has been the Minister at Perth Riverside Church, formed through the deliberate closure of a larger city centre church in 2000. A small group of people then moved to worship in a school in the North Muirton area of Perth.

The Church encourages dialogue and participation in it's services, and includes video and multi-media in worship. The Church has also developed links with the community, by working with local Councillors, schools, and the YMCA, as well as running youth cafes and parent and toddler groups.

General Director of the Evangelical Alliance in the UK, Rev Joel Edwards said “We welcome Fred to the staff of the Alliance. He arrives at a critical time as the Alliance renews its practical commitment to work for spiritual and social transformation.

“His experience as a local pastor will be invaluable. He will make a significant contribution in helping shape Evangelical Alliance Scotland whilst also increasing the UK Alliance’s capacity in securing its mission.”