New service for pastors in debt

Two Christian charities have launched a new service to help pastors and senior church leaders struggling with debt.

While it is hard enough for the average Joe to ask for help in personal finance matters, Christians Against Poverty (CAP) and Stewardship said it could be near impossible for the leaders of churches who are expected to set an example to their flock.

It said many church leaders ended up suffering in silence because of personal finance problems.

Now CAP and Stewardship have joined forces to launch a specialised service aimed at church leaders.

CAP Money Ministers is a free, non-judgemental and completely confidential telephone service for senior church leaders to find a way forward.

CAP's Chief Executive Matt Barlow explained: “We know there is a problem because we already have church leaders coming to us as clients. They are often paid very little or their pay can fluctuate. Often there are unfair expectations placed upon our church leaders and admitting any vulnerability can be so hard.

"Ideally, struggling church leaders would attend a CAP Money course at their local church or visit one of our debt help centres. However, we know the reality is they would most likely feel very exposed if they could get there at all with the number of midweek meetings expected of them.”

One church pastor turned to CAP for help after a series of unexpected expenses gave him a growing level of debt which left him taking out more credit to pay for essentials.

He said: “Being in debt is a massive taboo subject especially for a church leader – who can you confide in? You worry that your ministry will be affected if people in your church learn of your struggle.

"The great thing that CAP did for us was to give us hope: hope that we could sort out the debt, hope that it wouldn’t last forever. We have also found that we are better equipped to help people in the church who have financial problems – we truly can say: 'We’ve been there – we know how you feel'.”

Stewardship’s Chief Executive, Michael O'Neill, said it was conversations with ministers that had prompted the organisation to take action.

He said: “We are passionate about seeing the UK Church generously resourced.

"However, we often hear from church leaders who lack confidence in their own finances and in their ability to speak confidently about money with others.

"That’s why we are so thrilled to be partnering with CAP to launch CAP Money Ministers; a service which we hope will release hundreds of church leaders from financial worry and, in doing so, free them to do the same for their congregations.”

Pastors, ministers and other senior church leaders wanting to access CAP Money Ministers should call 01274 760780 or find out more at