New summit to re-imagine future of youth work

A new Youthwork event is promising to break the mould of traditional Christian events by offering short, specialist sessions, followed by open conversations with grassroots speakers.

Youthwork Summit allows genuine dialogue between youth workers of all Christian traditions.

"The Summit is for youth workers from every corner of the church, where different traditions are respected," Youthwork Summit co-founder and Schoolswork Creator, Chris Curtis said.

Matt Summerfield, Youthwork Summit founder and Executive Director of Urban Saints, said he wanted youth workers to lay all preconceptions to one side and be open to God doing something new.

"The day is about exploring and challenging youth culture - creativity and innovation are key values," he said.

"We're looking for insight into youth culture, and into the mission of God, that will allow us to re-imagine the future of Christian youth work."

Youthwork Summit organisers have declared that they won't have 'celebrity speakers' hiding in their greenroom.

"We'll invite leading lights from business, media, education and government to help us understand the world that shapes young people. These people are specialists, not celebrities," summit o-founder and Youthwork Magazine Editor, Martin Saunders said.

"The Youthwork Summit is a day to think differently, to gather stories, experience and wisdom, where we listen to voices from within the church and beyond."

Youthwork Summit takes place on October 23 at St Mary's Marylebone, London.
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