New 'X-Men: Apocalypse' hints unexpected Wolverine appearance?

The third and final trailer for "X-Men: Apocalypse" was just released, and it dropped a lot of surprising details about the final installment of Bryan Singer's action-packed superhero trilogy.

Fans are surprised to see another trailer just weeks before the release of the film in May. But according to Singer, they really intended to release three trailers for the upcoming movie. "We always planned three trailers," the film maker told Empire. "This trailer had to be ready weeks ago visually, so it could be reproduced all over the world. There's still tons of stuff I wish I could have put in it, but you have to wait for the movie!"

The trailer featured a lot of exciting scenes from the movie, including several shots of the past battle between Charles Xavier (James McAvoy) and the titular villain Apocalypse (Oscar Isaac). It also showed the global damage that happened in the world because of Apocalypse's attacks, resulting to the destruction of Sydney's Opera House.

It also included the scene where Peter Maximoff/Quicksilver (Evan Peters) confessed to Raven Darkhölme/Mystique (Jennifer Lawrence) that Magneto (Michael Fassbender) is really his father.

But perhaps the biggest revelation in the newest trailer is the unexpected appearance of the familiar metal claws owned by Wolverine towards the end of the video. This came as a surprise, since earlier reports claim that Hugh Jackman will not reprise his role as Logan/Wolverine in the upcoming installment of the "X-Men" franchise. However, Singer refused to confirm or deny Wolverine's appearance in the upcoming movie.

"Make of that what you want," Singer said. "I will say, it's not simple. There's something more pivotal that occurs with that. It hints to a sequence that again fits within the canon of all six movies, and the birth of a new direction. It's not insignificant, nor is it simply just a throw-in."

"X-Men: Apocalypse" debuts in the big screen on May 27 in the US.