Newlywed woman survives massive stroke while sharing testimony of God's goodness in church

Chastity Watts takes a selfie with her husband Jimmy and daughter.(PHOTO: Facebook/Abba's House)

A woman was testifying about God's goodness and grace at her church when the unexpected happened - she suffered from a massive stroke that left her speechless and unable to move her body.

Chatity Watts, a newlywed, was sharing her story of redemption at her church in Chattanooga, Tennessee on November 19, according to The Christian Post. The crowd of 1,500 at Abba's House was shocked to see her suddenly incapacitated.

"She literally dropped the mic and I just put my arms around her to steady her because her knees were buckling," Chastity's friend, Theresa Biggs, told ABC 9. Biggs even thought that Watts was simply nervous speaking before the huge crowd.

During her testimony, Watts revealed that she arrived in Chattanooga on a Greyhound bus three and a half years ago. She was at a very low point in her life because she was addicted to alcohol, and she was homeless and extremely pregnant. "This is overwhelming to me, let me just soak this in," she said then.

But after she accepted Jesus Christ into her heart and sought to change for the better, blessing after blessing came. Watts even said God "turned my world upside down in the most amazing way."

"I was extremely hungry. I really needed God. I was at a place where I just wanted to die. I wanted to commit suicide," she continued. Watts was talking about the loss of her child and second pregnancy when she began showing signs of distress.

"This is so hard for me to do. My head is pounding," she said as the church cheered her on, since people thought she was just nervous. But her testimony was cut short and Watts was taken to the hospital after suffering from a massive brain bleed.

At first, the doctors' words were not comforting. They even told Watts' friends that she was going to die. They immediately contacted her new husband, Jimmy Watts, and asked permission to operate on her brain for a chance at survival.

"I didn't think she was going to make it," Jimmy admitted. "I at least wanted to be here and hold her hand and tell her how much I love her."

Jimmy and Watts' church members never gave up hope and kept praying. Miraculously, Watts began to show improvement after a few days. "It was just miracle after miracle, improvement after improvement. The doctors couldn't believe it," said Jimmy.

Biggs even added that Watts will get well enough to continue her testimony onstage. "That's not the last time she will stand on that stage. She's going to tell the rest of her story," she said.