'No Man's Sky' gameplay, release date: Chief architect Sean Murray talks richness of game's universe

A look at one of the many worlds from "No Man's Sky"Hello Games/No Man's Sky Official Website

The folks behind "No Man's Sky" have so much work cut out for them seeing that it is basically the entire law of physics that they are trying to recreate in depth in the procedurally generated universe of the much-awaited title.

In "No Man's Sky," developer Hello Games is working to create an infinite digital universe that boasts specifics down to every point of the galaxies and stars. The game's chief architect Sean Murray says that their upcoming offering does not have "faked" physics like every other game around.

"With us, when you're on a planet, you can see as far as the curvature of that planet. If you walked for years, you could walk all the way around it, arriving back exactly where you started," Murray told The Atlantic about how each object in "No Man's Sky" is meticulously put together.

"Our day to night cycle is happening because the planet is rotating on its axis as it spins around the sun. There is real physics to that. We have people that will fly down from a space station onto a planet and when they fly back up, the station isn't there anymore; the planet has rotated," he went on to say, adding that this feature had many believing it's a bug.

Murray explained that the planets and creatures in the "No Man's Sky" realm, visible or not, function as they should even when not accessed. The creatures also have their own behavioral profiles and personalities, which means they know what they like and hate.

The vastness of "No Man's Sky" also allowed Murray's team to do all sorts of things like breaking the speed of light or changing up the gravity and its effects. "It's our universe, so we get to be Gods in a sense," the game chief architect added.

"No Man's Sky" features no birth or illness but death is a staple, although reincarnation is promised. It also guarantees that players can become who they want to be in the game.

"No Man's Sky" will boast quintillion planets that will be made unique and accessible. Each of them will be full of surprises. There's no release date set for the game yet but there are rumors it will be out by June.