OM ministry ship retires after 350 ports of call

OM UK has announced the retirement of its ministry ship, Logos II, in July after more than two decades of bringing the Gospel to the world.

Logos II, part of OM Ships International, made 350 ports of call in 82 different countries during its life traversing the world's waters, distributing Christian literature and welcoming 10 million people to its onboard educational facilities and Christian book fair.

The ship makes its retirement as a newer and larger vessel, Logos Hope, nears completion. The sale of Logos II will go towards the cost of fitting up the new vessel.

In the last two years, Logos II made the first ever visit of an OM ship to ports in North Africa, Montenegro and Iceland in 2007. She made her last stop at Port of Spain, the capital of Trinidad and Tobago.

Logos II developed a strong affinity with Caribbean communities during its years in service. In Port of Spain, local health workers were able to take part in seminars onboard the ship whilst training was offered to local and national church leaders.

"There is a natural affinity between Logos II and Trinidad's Ministry of Education," said the Representative of the Minister of Education, Dr Bernard Tappin, during a visit to the ship. "It is our job to ensure increased literacy in the country."

Logos Hope is expected to launch before the end of 2008 and make a visit to the UK in early 2009.