'Once Upon a Time' season 5 spoilers: details suggesting Neal Cassidy's return

Belle's old love returns in "Once Upon a Time" season 5B.Facebook/ABC

It has already been established that when the second half of "Once Upon a Time's" season 5 returns, it will feature the world of Hades.

When show creators Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis teased about the Underworld, fans were quick to speculate that Emma Swan (Jennifer Morrison) will not only find her current love Hook (Colin O'Donoghue), but also her ex, Neal/Baelfire (Michael Raymond-James). But those speculations might be very true, according to a spoiler post.

Melty reported that Mark Isham, the series' composer, posted on his Instagram account the music notes for the upcoming season 5B premiere episode, titled "Souls of the Departed."

The photo has since been taken down, but not before spoiler account @UponaSpoiler managed to get a copy of it and share it to the public. The notes indicated "Neal's Warning" music, which highly suggests that the character will be back.

Fans were surprised by the reveal and those who were rooting for the "Swanfire" shipping could only hope that the notes were true and not just false hopes.

Neal made his last appearance back in season 3, when he laid down his life to put an end to the Wicked Witch of the West. Those who were rooting for a Neal and Emma reunion were devastated when they found out the former met his end.

International Business Times put together a list of characters that fans should look forward to when the season returns, but Neal appears to be missing from the bunch. But with Isham's tease, the "Swanfire" shippers will surely be more excited to find out what's to come.

If Neal will indeed return, it would be interesting to see how it will all play out knowing that Emma will venture to the Underworld looking for Hook. Will there be a love triangle in sight?

Catch the new episodes of "Once Upon a Time" season 5 starting on Mar. 6 at 8 p.m. EST on ABC.