Open Doors 50th Anniversary sees Increase in Mission to the Persecuted

Open Doors is committed to serve Christians and churches around the world who suffer persecution for their faith in Christ. This year, as it celebrates its 50th anniversary, it hails its success in biblical literature distribution and training.

On a Press Release dated 22nd March, Open Doors reported that almost five million Bibles, children’s Bibles, study Bibles and other Scriptural books were delivered to persecuted Christians worldwide in 2004, which marks a 25 percent growth compared to the previous year.

Even in the aspect of training pastors and Christian leaders, there was a nine percent increase observed. In 2004, more than 138,000 Christian leaders received training ranging from multi-year pastoral education to seminars geared to improving specific leadership skills.

In 2004, however, Open Doors recognised that it was crucial to support the Persecuted Church so that they could stand firm in areas where oppression often takes the form of employment and educational discrimination.

As a result, there has been a 30 percent increase in the mission’s support of community development and literacy projects to enable Christians facing discrimination and persecution to provide for themselves and their families. Nowadays, the need for quality Christian literature and Bibles has become more desperate.

Johan Companjen, president of Open Doors International said, "There is more persecution today than during the days of the Iron Curtain. We serve the Persecuted Church. That is our vision."

Open Doors was founded by Brother Andrew after the Communist Revolution in Poland in 1955. He received a revelation from God to establish the ministry through the Bible verses in Revelation 3:2, "Awake, and strengthen what remains and is at the point of death."

Since then, Brother Andrew decided to help persecuted Christians who lived in some of the world's most difficult areas. He began to deliver Bibles through the Iron Curtain, bringing encouragement to the forgotten Christians.

After 50 years, Open Doors is now working in over 45 countries with a staff of 350. At the beginning, its main work in the communist world involved the delivery of God’s Word. However, as the ministry grew, it expanded its outreach to providing Bible-based literacy classes, discipleship training, seminary training, vocational training and economic relief.

Open Doors said that more than 200 million Christians around the world suffer persecution for their faith in Christ. Christians continue to suffer under atheistic regimes in China, Vietnam, Cuba and North Korea. Areas of the former Soviet Union still face restriction, and the growth of Islam is putting great pressure on the church in the Middle East and Africa.

Open Doors USA President Dr. Carl Moeller added in the Press Release, "We are very grateful that Open Doors teams working in hot spots around the world were able to deliver almost five million Bibles and other Scriptural pieces along with training thousands of pastors - despite the increase in danger. I’ve heard first-hand accounts of how the training courses for pastors in such countries as Vietnam, China and Colombia are impacting the countries for Christ."

"All the materials and training would not be possible without the partnership of churches and fellow believers across the United States. Thank you for helping Open Doors strengthen and support our persecuted brothers and sisters in faith."

As part of celebrating its 50th anniversary, Open Doors is increasing efforts to reach and strengthen the emerging generations of young Christians to build a solid foundation for future church growth in some of the world’s most restricted areas.