Over 100 Christians Join CSW Global Prayer Day for Burma

Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW), a UK-based human rights charity working on behalf of those persecuted for their Christian beliefs, observed a Day of Prayer for Burma last Saturday, 12th March.

CSW has closely followed and reported on cases of abuse of human rights and ethnic discrimination in Burma. The Day of Prayer for Burma aimed to mobilise Christians in the UK to pray for these forgotten and greatly suppressed people.

Gathered under the theme Unity in Diversity, over 100 Christians from the UK with members of several different ethnic groups of Burma, prayed together at St Paul's Church, Robert Adam Street, in Central London.

The one-day event included both prayers and speeches delivered by prominent Christian leaders. Baroness Caroline Cox, President of CSW UK, Harn Yawnghwe, Director of the Euro-Burma Office in Brussels, CSW Advocacy Officer Ben Rogers and CSW National Director Stuart Windsor were invited to give keynote speeches.

United in prayers, participants sincerely prayed for the millions of displaced people inside Burma and all those suffering under the oppressive military regime. They prayed for those in camps along the borders, those affected by the widespread human rights abuses, including victims of forced labour, ethnic cleansing and rape. Other topics included religious freedom inside Burma, the rulers of Burma and all who are seeking to help those oppressed by them.

The event was co-hosted with Karen Aid, the Karen Action Group and the CIDKP (Committee for Internally Displaced Karen People). Other separate events were held around the UK and the rest of the world as part of the Global Day of Prayer for Burma.