Pakistani Authorities urged to Intervene in Saudi Arabia Christian Arrests

The Catholic Church and human rights groups have made a call to Pakistan’s government to intervene on behalf of arrested Pakistani immigrants by Saudi Arabia’s religious police.

40 Pakistani Christians were arrested by the Muttawa, Saudi Arabia’s religious police, on April 23, while they were celebrating mass in a private residence in the city of Riyadh.

Mgr Lawrence Saldanha, Archbishop of Lahore stated, "The government must treat this case without any religious discrimination and act on behalf of its citizens who are living abroad." He also called on the Pakistani authorities to react ‘immediately.’

Archbishop Saldanha, from the National Commission for Justice and Peace said, "It is a serious example of religious discrimination and human rights violation” and recalled the Saudi government to “respect religious freedom".

In addition, several Pakistani and international human rights groups urged the Pakistani government to ensure the liberation of the 40 Pakistani Christians.

In the letter sent by the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) to the Pakistani Foreign Minister, general secretary of HRCP said: "Given your proven commitment to upholding human rights, we urge you to take up the matter with Saudi authorities and seek the immediate release of these unfortunate persons and provide them the assistance and support they urgently require."

In the country it is illegal for Saudi Arabians to practice any religion other than Islam. Policemen who raided the place found Christian books and audiovisual material.

Saudi authorities have not yet make any public comment about the incident; they have not said anything to condemn the action nor expressed any solidarity towards the victims, and it is not clear what may happen to them.

Todd Nettleton, spokesman of Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) also expressed his concerns about the well-being of the 40 Christians.

"[B]ecause they are Pakistanis they could face a long period of time in jail. We've seen people from less powerful countries [. . .] held for long periods of time and in one case sentenced to death," he said.