People's lives are often just facades but the cross is real, says Sean Lowe

Sean Lowe says that the only true thing in this world is the cross.Ed Young/Facebook

Former Bachelor Sean Lowe, who is also the author of the New York Times bestselling book For the Right Reasons encouraged Christians to look at the cross in the run up to Easter as the one true thing in this world.

People often have their own perceptions of what is real and not, he said, but sometimes people perceive things as real even though they are merely facades.

"Frequently, we look at people in the public eye and think, 'I wish I had her life.' Or, 'I wish I looked like him.' Even more frequently, we look at our co-workers, our friends, and people at church and think, 'they have it all together,'" said Lowe in his Patheos blog. But more often than not, people's thoughts are wrong.

Lowe said these people portray themselves in a positive light, but they actually hide a lot of things from the public.

"People's lives are often just facades," he said, but "the cross is real — in fact, it's the only 'real thing that we have. Because there, Jesus took the all-too-real sins that we've committed and said, 'I got this.'"

Because of Jesus' sacrifice, people are free to get "real" about their own struggles, pride, and inadequacies without worrying about judgment, said Lowe. Jesus already paid for people's sins so there is no need to pretend to be sinless.

Lowe himself often gets asked about the reality of reality TV, but instead of focusing on other people, the former Bachelor urged people to look at something else more important.

"This Easter, let's get real at the only place where you can be real, vulnerable, and completely honest: the cross," he said.