'Pokemon GO' latest news: Third nest migration is live; spawn nests now totally randomized

'Pokémon Go' promotional ad.Pokémon Official Website

With the confusion following the delay in the changing of the spawn nests in the hit game "Pokemon GO," it seems that the expected migration has now been implemented. However, according to some reports, the scale of the migration is nothing like the game has ever seen before.

According to Forbes, Niantic has switched the spawning nests, and now a list of spawned Pokemon will be changed with a different set. As an example, a Scyther nest in a certain park was changed to a Dratini nest, and with it, all other Scyther nests in the world have changed into Dratini nests. Then by the next update, the nest was replaced by Aerodactyls, and the list goes on.

However, things have changed this time around, and instead of going over through a list to check the latest Pokemon spawn, Niantic has made the system entirely randomized. The rarity of the spawns have not changed, but there is no way of predicting the change other than visiting the spot and witnessing it firsthand. Actually, all around the globe, there are no distinguishable patterns for it other than the fact that the relative rarity of the Pokemon is consistent.

Of course, this does not affect the literally "everywhere" Pokemon like Pidgeys, Rattatas, and Spearows. The rarer Pokemon spawn has become totally random. It can still be tracked with the use of a third-party software, but there is no guarantee that the change in a spawn nest will apply to another.

Meanwhile, Mobile & Apps reports that Niantic could possibly launch the revamped version of the game's Nearby system. This can be seen with the apparent removal of the user behavior tracking platform embedded in the game's codes. As such, it is only a matter of time before the new and improved tracking system is released.