'Pokemon Go' release date: More details during the 'Super Bowl'?

"Pokemon Go"ThePokemonCompany/Niantics

More details about "Pokémon Go" could be released soon, and they may even be revealed during one of television's biggest nights.

A new commercial for Pokémon has been making the rounds online lately, and while it does not detail anything specific, it may still become a source for something significant in the near future.

According to Express UK, the "Super Bowl" commercial for Pokémon seems to be one that is designed to communicate the global plans for the franchise.

Curiously though, the version of the commercial making the rounds right now does not directly point to any specific game or event. On the surface, it seems like a commercial simply designed to celebrate Pokémon's 20th anniversary, but that may not be all there is to it.

Since the commercial is set to air during the "Super Bowl," presumably during a time when plenty of folks will be glued to their televisions, that could present Nintendo with the perfect opportunity to announce "Pokémon Go's" release date.

Doing so at that time would ensure that the majority of households in the United States will be able to see the commercial, learn more about the game, and also its release date.

If done correctly, Nintendo may be able to showcase "Pokémon Go" to a massive audience.

At this point though, Nintendo is not tipping its hand, and with "Super Bowl" not set to air until Feb. 7, fans will be forced to wait before they find out for sure if there really is anything significant being announced for "Pokémon Go."

As for the other highly anticipated game from the franchise, "Pokémon Z" has also been noticeably absent from the headlines recently.

According to Neurogadget, rumors surrounding "Pokémon Z" have previously suggested that the new game may be launched in the first quarter of 2016, but official confirmation of that has not been given.

There's still plenty of time remaining in 2016, and while "Pokémon Go" and "Pokémon Z" may be unknown commodities for now, things can still change, and they can change very quickly.