World Cup 2014 live streaming [ESPN start time]: Watch online Portugal vs Germany, Pepe headbutt video

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UPDATE: Portugal's Pepe received a red card and got sent off for headbutting a German player. See the headbutt video below:


Germany will play Portugal on Monday in the 2014 World Cup in what is one of the biggest games of the tournament so far. Germany have one of the best teams in the competition and many are expecting them to compete for the title. Portugal also have a strong team, but they are spearheaded by World Player of the Year Cristiano Ronaldo. If Germany are to win this game today they will have to find a way to stop him.

The game is scheduled to start at 12 p.m. EST and will be broadcast on the ESPN network. The game can also be watched online via the live stream link provided below.

Later, USA will be taking on Ghana in it's first World Cup match this year. See a highlights video of the 2010 FIFA World Cup match between USA and Ghana below:

So far Brazil 2014 has been a fantastic festival of football, with teams not afraid to let loose and go for the win. There have been goals galore so far in this World Cup and amazingly after four days of football and 11 games there is yet to be a draw.

Most are skeptical over whether a European team can win the World Cup in South America, and after seeing Spain get completely demolished this week, Germany could be Europe's best chance of having a winner.

However, they cannot afford to treat the Portugal threat lightly. Portugal have a number of skilled players, but especially in Cristiano Ronaldo on the pitch they will be a threat throughout the game.

Germany though should be favorites to win here. They have world class talent across the pitch, and if they play at their best they will be difficult for any team to stop.

One match up that could decide this one is Philipp Lahm against Ronaldo. If Lahm can keep Ronaldo quiet them Germany could have the edge. However, if Ronaldo can get free from Lahm and create space for himself, then he can be devastating, turning regular play into a goal-scoring opportunity in seconds.

Today's big game will kick off at 12 p.m. EST and can be watched online, free for ESPN subscribers, by clicking here.

Later, USA will be taking on Ghana in it's first World Cup match this year. See a highlights video of the 2010 FIFA World Cup match between USA and Ghana below: