Prayers for Muslims during Ramadan

Operation Mobilisation has put together a prayer calendar for Christians to use during the month of Ramadan.

Muslims around the world will fast and pray throughout the month of August.

Operation Mobilisation is encouraging Christians to use the month as an opportunity to pray for the more than one billion Muslims who do not know Jesus.

It has just launched Pray4MuslimPeoples, a yearlong initiative calling Christians to intercede for Muslims and its teams working among Muslim peoples.

The initiative was launched last month during its Transform 2011 conference in Rome to celebrate 50 years of ministry to Muslims around the world.

OM is partnering with the 30 Days Prayer Network, which produces a 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World guide in 42 languages during Ramadan each year.

The network said Ramadan was a good opportunity for Christians to get to know their Muslim neighbours.

The 52-page prayer guide specifically calls Christians to pray for greater breakthroughs for the Gospel among Muslims, an increased commitment to prayer by Christians, and for more missionaries to be released to work among Muslims.

Operation Mobilisation stressed that praying during the month of Ramadan did not mean that Christians must conform themselves to Muslim practices of fasting and prayer, but added that it provided an “ideal time” for Christians to add regular biblical fasting to their prayers as they lift up Muslims worldwide.

The organisation credits prayer for allowing its outreach to Muslims to expand to more than 1,000 OM workers serving in 50 countries today.

It is encouraging Christians to pray that its ministry can expand even further.

“You can be part of the next 50 years by joining the Pray4MuslimPeoples initiative,” the organisation said.

“Challenge your church to join in prayer with you. God is moving in the Muslim world and your prayers are powerful.”

OM's prayer guide can be found at:

For prayer guidance from the 30 Days Prayer Network visit