Precipitating revival

|PIC1|At the end of January and the beginning February, Christians across London united for seven nights of prayer to launch Global Day of Prayer London 2009. These nights of prayer were simply a catalyst for something that the Lord has begun to do in London and the nation. From this point on, we believe that God is going to spread out the spirit of prayer all over the capital. Things might get worse before they get better but we need to keep on praying fervently.

Great Britain, a nation that was once a power house for global mission, is like a ship adrift from her mooring, which has lost her bearings. God is therefore bringing people from all over the world to join forces with the British to reclaim lost ground and declare this nation’s rich heritage and destiny in Christ. The United Kingdom belongs to the King of kings and therefore the devil is not going to have it!

Sometimes the church needs to stand up and be bold. Despite the enemy’s threats and boasts we should now step up against the darkness and say ‘away with you Satan!’ Jesus taught us to pray down God’s Kingdom and modelled for us how to resist the enemy. During His temptation He not only resisted the devil but rebuked him with the words “Get behind me Satan!”

No nursing mother looks on while a stranger attempts to steal her baby. You only have to try touching a mother hen’s chicks to see her fierce and violent reaction. So why would we look on while evil forces attempt to steal our children and young people right under our noses? Why is the church majorly silent as the nation slowly but surely drifts towards the precipice? As a nation we need to declare that this nation does not belong to secularism, humanism, pluralism and any other negativism. It belongs to Jesus and His Kingdom! Our young people, our families, our communities, our finances don’t belong to Satan, they all belong to Jesus.

I urge the church to arise and begin to literally prayer walk our neighbourhoods and streets placing a stake in the ground. I pray that more Christians will get involved in prisons, the judiciary, our schools, nightclubs, sports, local governments, and the media … as missionaries! It is great to provide social amenities and live out our faith with acts of compassion and kindness. In addition, though, we need not only to be salt but also light, proclaiming the Gospel boldly with signs and wonders following.

It is not by power or by might but God is going to use our prayers. Scripture states how good and pleasant it is when sisters and brothers dwell together in unity. All the walls of division, denomination, of church, of culture, creed, colour and class, need to come down. I strongly believe that the Lord is saying it is time for us to come together. If my people that are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear, I will forgive their sins, and I will heal their land. Some of our wicked ways include immoral lifestyles, prejudice, segregation, racism, sexism, class systems, pride, jealousies and lust for money and power. The Lord is calling us all to repentance so that His church can become the true light that shines in this present dark age.

|QUOTE|Revival cannot be manufactured but it can be precipitated. If the Earth meets the conditions Heaven demands then God simply shows up! So if we humble ourselves, if we repent and turn from our wicked ways, if we hunger after holiness, if we seek unity, then God will hear, God will forgive and God will heal London and the Nation. I believe we all, collectively need to say, enough is enough! Together we can push back the forces of darkness, the forces of domination, of jealousy, of segregation, of discrimination, the forces that come to divide the body of Christ. Let us lift up holy hands and pray; God’s will be done, may His Kingdom come.

For these reasons we invite every church to join us in praying for the capital and for the nation. The Global Day of Prayer is more than a one-off event. It is a movement with a lifestyle of prayer. Since December 31st 2006 we have been praying 24 hours every single day. We are inviting some churches to get involved in the 24-hour prayer chain. We are inviting other churches that may not yet be up for 24 hour prayers to consider holding one service of prayer for the capital and the nation in the year. We are gently challenging every Christian to set their mobile phones/ alarms for 12 noon every day until Pentecost Sunday May 31st 2009. When the clock strikes 12 noon, take one minute out to pray the Lord’s Prayer over London and the nation. As we all do this together, we raise our prayers to Heaven as one body … God must answer!!

Visit the website as an individual, workplace fellowship, network, organisation or church. Register to pray for one day, one hour or even one minute! The Lord is coming soon and we should have a mindset of His impending return. Therefore join in with what is happening in the global prayer movement. Get your prayer group involved, tell your church about holding a service, plug in your youth group and simply pray where you are.

Keep visiting the website to pick up news about exciting developments around Wembley 2010 and the possibility of GDOP 2009 happening at the O2 Arena on May 31st 2009! We would like to also keep you updated about mission initiatives like Pentecost Festival, Love London, Logos Hope and many more.

No matter what happens or does not happen to you, stay in touch with joyful prayerful Christians and keep on praising the Lord!!