Protestant Ulster Unionist Party of Ireland Comments on Student's Crucifix Ban

|PIC1|The Protestant Ulster Unionist Party of Ireland has responded to the recent controversy surrounding a student who was told she could not wear her crucifix to school, calling the move "discriminatory" and "unacceptable".

Samantha Devine, a 13-year-old Catholic pupil at the non-denominational mixed Robert Napier School in Gillingham, Kent, was given the cross as a Christmas present but was told by the school that the piece of jewellery contravened its health and safety policy.

Napier officials touted school dress-code policy which prohibits jewellery of any kind as a "health and safety" precaution unless the jewellery is an "essential requirement" of religious apparel. Deputy head teacher Paul Jackson explained, "We have no reason to believe this to be the case in this instance."

Devine was told that she could wear a crucifix as a lapel badge or pin but not on a chain around her neck.

Devine and her family object, arguing that members of other religions are permitted to wear religious articles that technically violate the dress-code. Mr Devine, an ex-serviceman, described the school's position as "political correctness gone absolutely mad." Devine said, "It makes me wonder why I protected my country when we can't even protect my religious beliefs."

Samantha says Muslim students may wear headscarves and Sikh pupils are allowed to wear turbans and bangles to class. She said, "Other religions are allowed to show their beliefs by wearing bracelets or turbans, so why can I not wear a cross to show my devotion to God?"

Dr Esmond Birnie, spokesman on family and children issues for the Ulster Unionist Party of Ireland addressed the recent controversy saying, "The banning of crucifixes is discriminatory and unacceptable."

Birnie asserted that the Department of Education in England (DfES) should not insult Christian beliefs by equating their religious symbols with petty dress-code violations.

Gregory Carlin, a child's rights lobbyist in Northern Ireland, told that the purported "health and safety concerns" over wearing a crucifix on a chain were "fraudulent". Said Carlin, "In terms of dangerous items, research has shown that a crucifix on a chain is far less problematic than items such as shoelaces and neckties.

"Shoelaces and neckties are responsible for hundreds of accidents in schools each year. I haven't found any recorded accidents with crucifix necklaces. Yet the schools want to ban crucifixes but not neckties or shoelaces."

Birnie also admitted that he found the "health and safety" excuse offered by school officials "very difficult to accept" and, instead, attributed their actions to the fact that "it is becoming very fashionable to target Christians."

Birnie encouraged school officials to focus on their ultimate purpose of educating students rather than engaging in politically correct squabbles saying, "The staff and governors of schools should focus more closely on improving exam results and spend less time making Christian pupils feel uncomfortable or persecuted."

Carlin called the school's suggestion to wear a crucifix lapel pin just "rubbing salt into the wounds". A crucifix worn around the neck has been a long-standing Christian tradition and a crucifix lapel pin would be much harder to come by.

Samantha and her family have vowed to continue fighting for her right to wear the crucifix around her neck even if that means expulsion or a lawsuit.

England has been involved in similar controversies over the past few years. In 2005, a student was similarly forbidden to wear her crucifix around her neck during school despite other religious groups being able to wear their religious symbols. Earlier this year, public outcry forced British Airways to alter their policy after a Christian employee was threatened with the termination of her contract for wearing a crucifix with her uniform.