'PUBG' gameplay news: Blue zones about to get slower but deadlier

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The Blue Zones of "PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds" (PUBG) are being revamped by the developers where the mechanic is now being changed to be slower but a lot deadlier for any players caught in the area.

The developers of "PUBG" are now working on rebalancing how the blue zones work in the game as a response to the popular feedback from the game's early access days. Players back then suggested that firefights and player encounters in the battle royale game should be made to be more even and less chaotic, which warrants some changes to the blue zone.

At the moment, the changes are being planned for test servers only, but these may soon carry over to the main game after successful tests. Changes include slightly decreased waiting time of the blue zones during the mid-to-late phases of a match, slightly decreased shrinking speed of the blue zones during the mid-to-late phase, and slightly increased damage per second of the last blue zone.

This means more time is being given to players to escape or avoid the blue zones, though the punishment for being caught in one is more severe during the top 10 phase of the game. This should warrant a lot of adjustments in the playstyles of players since camping in the blue zones to get an easy sniping kill might get more difficult.

For those unfamiliar, blue zones are "PUBG's" way of ensuring that players stay concentrated in a particular radius in the in-game map. It represents a shrinking blue circle in the map where getting caught outside the blue circle will result in gradual damage over time for the players and will result in death if ignored. This makes the duration of each match more manageable since players are urged to not wander around and avoid other players and instead to seek safety inside the white circle in the map, killing other players in the process, or being killed by them.