RAC warns against drink-drivers

Almost one in five young people got into a car this Christmas believing the driver was over the drink limit, according to a survey.

The RAC Foundation online survey of 1,000 Facebook users in London asked participants to say if they had travelled in a car driven by someone they thought was over the drink-drive limit this Christmas.

Seventeen per cent of 18 to 24-year-olds said they had.

For 13 to 17-year-olds the figure was 12 percent while eight percent 25 to 49 year olds said "yes".

The Foundation is calling for advertising aimed at persuading passengers not to get into a car if they have any doubts about the driver's fitness.

It said the attitudes of pre-drivers and novice drivers are the key to improving road safety.

"They must be convinced of the social unacceptability of drink-driving before they get their licences, for their own safety and the safety of others," it added in a statement.

Sheila Rainger, Acting Director, said: "It is truly shocking that one in five young people is prepared to play Russian roulette by getting into a car with a drunk driver.

"New thinking is needed, targeting passengers as well as drivers, to ensure that drink-driving remains socially unacceptable and to ensure that passengers, especially younger women, have the confidence to turn down what could be their last lift."

The RAC Foundation wants more traffic police to target drink and drug drivers, a combination of targeted and random breath testing and an extension of penal sanctions available to the courts.