Reactions to New Pope Benedict from World Leaders

Tuesday 19th April 2005, the entire world once again turns its focus to the Vatican in Rome, as German Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was announced as the 265th Pope, and who takes the name Pope Benedict XVI.

Below are the reactions to the announcement from Rome from leaders across the globe:

German Chancellor, Gerhard Schroeder

"This is a great honour for Germany. I think he will be a worthy successor to Pope John Paul II. I congratulate him on behalf of the government and all Germans."

Spanish Prime Minister, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

"Please receive in the name of the Spanish government and the people of Spain our warmest congratulations for your election as Supreme Pontiff of the Catholic Church and my best wishes for the Papacy which you begin today"

Irish President, Mary McAleese

"May your acceptance of this tremendous burden of service bear fruit in our world. May God give you strength for these new cares."

Spokesman for French Bishops’ Conference, Stanislas LaLanne

"When I met him I liked his clarity of expression, his rare intelligence, his extraordinary deep knowledge, his extraordinarily deep faith - and at the same time he has a way of talking to you in a simple language. When you listen to people like that you think you become intelligent yourself as you listen to them."

US Senate Majority Leader, Bill Frist

"Today ushers in a new era for the Catholic Church. I'm confident that Pope Benedict XVI is blessed with the same compassion and vision that made Pope John Paul II one of the world's most revered and respected voices."

National Conference of Brazilian Bishops, Jurandir Arauj

"It seems that he is too conservative. Hopefully the Holy Spirit can help him change. We expected a person like John Paul. Somebody who could give the Church alternatives ... open the Church to the world, look more at reality."