Rebecca St James: It's a new season

|PIC1|Grammy Award winning Christian singer, Rebecca St. James, closes 2008 with a successful new book added to her list of impressive credits.

The book, "Pure" is a relevant and timely slice of day-to-day encouragement on living a radical lifestyle of purity in mind, body, and spirit-a topic that since the book's fall release has shown tremendous connectivity with readers and reviewers alike - at a time perhaps when 'encouraging words' seem too often at a premium.

The Australian born St James, whose popularity goes global as do her tours, is vocal that she feels God's presence in America is vitally important for the New Year.

She offers the following personal words from the pages of "Pure":

"Often we think of 'new things' on January 1, but God is about the business of newness far more frequently than that. God is a God of new things.

“Forget about what’s happened; don’t keep going over old history. Be alert, be present. I’m about to do something brand-new. It’s bursting out! Don’t you see it? There it is! I’m making a road through the desert, rivers in the badlands.”
—Isaiah 43:18, 19, The Message

"A few years ago I learned the hard way that it’s very important for people in ministry to take “time out” and be still. Recently I took an extended sabbatical and really focused on praying and seeking God on what this time should look like. My life is pretty mapped out—with touring, book writing, songwriting, and time spent in the studio.

"Sabbatical is a time of open space to approach God with open hands and heart and to say, “God, renew me, speak to me, prepare my heart for new things that you want to do in my heart and in my ministry.” I really have a sense of anticipation that God is moving me into a new “room” of my life—that I have actually been in one room for some time—and He is moving me into another space in the house of my life.

"I’m very excited about this coming season—that God is already opening some new doors of ministry. I’m also in this season exploring some film and acting opportunities that I have been wanting to explore for some time. It just feels to me like a season of newness and I think this sabbatical is very key to that. Ultimately, I always want to be in the center of God’s will and involved in the adventure He has for me. One has to sit and hear from God—and be still—to be sensitive to His will for what’s His best for us as He writes the story of our lives.

"There are many good songs already in existence. Why is God so concerned with new ones? Because they arise out of new experiences, new ways in which God has recently revealed himself in our lives. He’s not just the God who did some amazing things in our past—He’s the God who is doing some amazing things now! And since He is the Creator He knows how to invent newness in the lives of His children. He simply wants us to come to Him and ask for new times of refreshing.

"If you feel as if you are in a spiritual rut, ask yourself why. Have you allowed yourself to settle into a state of apathy or mediocrity, because the same old songs drone on in your life? All you have to do is ask, “God, what new thing do you want to bring in my life this season?” If you are willing to ask, He is willing to answer. What are you waiting for? Do it today.

"A blessed New Year to you, my friends!"

Rebecca St James