'Reign' season 3 spoilers: Mary willing to give up life for Francis in 'The Price'


"Reign" season 3 will be taking a week off before it returns with a new episode. When the show does come back with the continuation of the story next month, things will be even more heartrending with Mary making the ultimate sacrifice.

The upcoming episode is titled "The Price" and it is called such for a reason. The promo for the installment shows a weeping Mary turning to healing to save her husband, whose health deteriorates by the minute. However, as stated in the promo "there's a price to be paid for a healing."

"The price of another's life," Sebastian declares in the clip. But in the "Reign" season 3 episode, Mary will be ready to give anything just to see Francis in peak condition once more. "If the price is my life for his, bring him back," the queen urges the healer.

Unfortunately, health problems aren't only limited to Francis. Mary's mother is rapidly weakening as well. In this installment, Mary will receive an "urgent message" from her ill mother about how worse things has become in Scotland.

This dire situation will show that Mary needs Francis as much as he needs her at this time. The synopsis for the upcoming "Reign" season 3 episode teases that she will turn to her bedridden husband for aid about this crisis too.

Considering how desperate and extreme has become, it is reasonable to believe that Francis will bite the dust really soon. But Carter Matt hints that the character was mentioned in synopses of more future episodes, which means that his death will not happen at least within the next couple of weeks.

Fans have already been prepared for the imminent death of the character but the element of surprise is still there in the sense that it was not revealed how close fans are to the heartbreaking moment.

Meanwhile, the upcoming "Reign" season 3 episode, which airs on Nov. 6, also sees Catherine at loggerheads with Narcisse as the former insists on taking over for Charles. Elizabeth goes about her own battle against the pressure of getting married.