Rev Malcolm Duncan: Harnessing Faith for Good

|PIC1|A response to the foiled terror plot, and recent media coverage around the identity and values of the Muslim community in the UK.

We welcome the swift action taken by the authorities over the alleged plot to attack aircraft and passengers, including the arrests of those suspected of involvement.

However, we must urge caution in the use of religious labelling of those who have been arrested. We encourage Faithworks members, and people of all faiths and none, to show compassion and restraint in their attitudes towards the Muslim community.

Jon Snow's Dispatches documentary, What Muslims Want (Channel 4, Monday August 7), and Timothy Garton-Ash's comments in the Guardian (Thursday August 10), raise interesting and relevant questions about the identity and values of the faith communities in the UK.

|TOP|Faithworks believes that nothing is a greater threat to good community relations than misconstruing people's identities. Community cohesion only begins to be possible when people of faith have the opportunity to live out their faith identity.

However, separate identities should not mean separatism. The right to a distinctive faith identity should always be accompanied by a responsibility towards the society we live in, respecting its diversity.

There is a pressing need for an increased understanding of how distinctive faith identities can be harnessed for good, rather than manipulated for wrongdoing. Where there is religious extremism that leads to the radicalisation of young Muslim men and women in this country, we urge the Muslim community to work hard to articulate how their religious values motivate them to contribute to a cohesive society.

We also encourage Faithworks members to pray for peace and tolerance in this current troubled climate.

The Revd Malcolm Duncan

[Reverend Malcolm Duncan is the Leader of the Faithworks Movement, and previously worked as Head of Mission at the Evangelical Alliance UK.]

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