'Rick and Morty' season 3 spoilers: is it the real Rick in space jail?

Cartoon Network

As previously reported, "Rick and Morty" season 3 is going to premiere a lot sooner than expected and the series creators have confirmed that the cliffhanger ending from season 2 is going to be resolved as quickly as possible. According to Ecumenical News, new fan theories give insight into how this may be accomplished.

Season 2 ended with Rick giving himself up and being locked away in space jail, but according to a fan theory from The Save Point Guild, this may not be the Rick that fans have grown to know in season 1 as it may be a Rick from a different dimension.

The original Rick and Morty come from universe C-137 yet the report points out that in one of season 2's earlier episodes Rick presents a ticket that has the number 5126 on it, suggesting they come from the 5126 universe. This means that the original Rick from C-137 are still free and are roaming around the multiverse.

While a switch-up is entirely possible it would mean that Morty has been going around with the wrong companion for a good majority of season 2. It is speculated that fans may not warm up to the idea that the real Rick was somewhere else and was not responsible for some of the adventures the duo supposedly had in season 3.

According to Ecumenical News, there is also a second theory spreading across the Internet suggesting that the bug-like assassin Krombopulos Michael is still alive, particularly the C-137 version of the character, and if proven true then the alien may be able to help break Rick out of space prison, no matter which version of Rick has been apprehended.

"Rick and Morty" season 3 will premiere this year although no specific release date has yet been announced. The season will have a few episodes more compared to the past two, airing a total of 14 episodes for season 3.