Russia's Putin tells citizens to vote for his party

MOSCOW - President Vladimir Putin, ignoring criticism he is using his post for campaign purposes, told Russians on Thursday to vote for his United Russia party in Sunday's parliamentary election.

"I ask you to turn out for the elections on December 2 and vote for United Russia," Putin said in a brief, pre-recorded television address broadcast to the nation.

Putin, who is running as No. 1 on United Russia's election list, said by voting for the party citizens would opt for "stability and continuity" rather than the chaos of the 1990s.

"We cannot allow the return to power of those who once tried but failed to rule the country," he said in a clear reference to his political opponents from liberal parties.

"Today (they) would want to reshape and drown in empty talk Russia's development plans and change the course supported by our nation, bringing back the times of humiliation, dependence and disintegration," he said.

He said Sunday's election to the State Duma lower house of parliament would "set the stage for a presidential election" due in March.

Putin has repeatedly said he will not try to find legal loopholes to stay in power for a third four-year term, which is banned by the constitution.

But he has also said that he sees Sunday's election as a nationwide vote of confidence in him, and that a landslide for United Russia will give him a "moral right" to influence Russia's political life after his term ends.