Sentamu holds day of fasting and prayer for Zimbabwe

The Archbishop of York will spend a day of fasting and prayer in York Minster on Sunday in support of the people of Zimbabwe.

Dr John Sentamu is calling on the public to join him at the cathedral for the vigil and light a candle to stand in solidarity with the suffering people of Zimbabwe.

The Archbishop's action follows his joint statement released last week with the Archbishop of Canterbury, calling for "a civil society movement that both gives voice to those who demand an end to the mayhem that grows out of injustice, poverty, exclusion and violence".

Dr Sentamu said: "I want as many people as possible to join me at the Minster to pray for the situation in Zimbabwe and light a candle as a public demonstration of support for the people there.

"As a Christian community we must all stand together with our brothers and sisters living under the tyranny of Mugabe and pray that they will find deliverance."

Dr Sentamu will begin his prayer vigil at 8.00am in York Minster until the end of evensong at 4.30pm and will lead prayers on the hour every hour.