'Silent Hills' game update: Fans launch petition to revive cancelled project

Silent HillsKonami

Game company Konami recently cancelled the production of the game "Silent Hills," which was meant to be developed by Hideo Kojima and Hollywood director Guillermo del Toro, and was to star "The Walking Dead" actor Norman Reedus as the lead character. Fans who have been looking forward to the cancelled game have now launched an online petition to get the development back on track. 

"I am begging you along with countless others: Please continue the Development on 'Silent Hills,' if the issue is money related, we would love to see a Crowdfunding campaign like Kickstarter to ensure you are getting all the financial help there is! We´d love to see it happen at some point and want to thank you for all the great games you have released so far!" states the petition. 

At the time of writing, there are currently over 96,000 signatures and the petition's goal is to reach 150,000. 

Cinema Blend points out that the petition, while it is correct in urging the game to be completed and released, is targeting the wrong people. According to the site, the petition should be directed toward Konami, not Kojima and del Toro. 

The report states that Konami owns the title and rights to the "Silent Hills" franchise as well as the Fox Engine that the game is currently built on. Konami also has the financial resources needed to finish the game's development although the petition does state that the fans are willing to launch a Kickstarter campaign to help out. 

Cinema Blend continues to explain that the only way the collaboration between Kojima and del Torro could work is if they decide to ditch the "Silent Hills" title and the use of the "Fox Engine." They would have to make their own IP in order to avoid any legal battles with Konami. 

Despite the game's cancellation, Konami did comment on the future of the franchise.

As cited by Gamespot last Monday, Konami stated, "Konami is committed to new 'Silent Hill' titles, however the embryonic 'Silent Hills' project developed with Guillermo del Toro and featuring the likeness of Norman Reedus will not be continued."