'Super Smash Bros': Game director says no to paid DLC


"Super Smash Bros." is undoubtedly one of the highly anticipated games coming from Nintendo. There's been a lot of hype about the game with gamers trying to get the latest news and updates since the game announcement. But recently, game director Masahiro Sakurai had to address issues about the paid DLC.

Sakurai was very clear when he said that he doesn't want a paid DLC for "Super Smash Bros." on Wii U and 3DS. Basically, he doesn't want players to feel like they have to make a purchase just to have the complete version of the game.

In an interview with VideoGamer, Sakurai said: "I understand that DLC could add a lot to the appeal of Smash Bros. And I appreciate that a major part of the excitement for these games come from which characters will appear in the roster, so I think fans could really enjoy DLC that could keep this excitement going. However, I think there might be criticism that we are cutting up content to sell characters one by one, or that we are adding things later that should have been there from the start."

Right now, the game already has 51 characters, which is already considered an awesome package for the game. Nevertheless, Sakurai mentioned that adding characters will just add costing problems which they really can't deal with at the moment.

"Creating DLC would involve large additional costs and require the involvement of a lot of people. I can't yet give you an answer about whether the price would justify the costs and criticisms mentioned above," Sakurai explained.

Sakurai really doesn't want to let the fans down on this one, especially when players have been waiting so long for this game already. But when asked about adding characters based on Nintendo executives like Satoru Iwata, Reggie Fils-Aime and gaming legend Shigeru Miyamoto, Sakurai said that these characters may not appeal to the "wide audience."

He also goes to explain that he'd like to add another character roster. However, there's so much effort into adding and developing one character that such a decision cannot be done that easily. Does this mean that there will not be any DLC for "Super Smash Bros." then?

According to Game Spot, Nintendo does have plans for a DLC where they'd give away the character Mewtwo. That is if players register for both the Wii U and 3DS versions.

"Super Smash Bros." for Wii U has been released Nov. 22.