'Supernatural' season 10: Deanmon and Crowley run amok while Sam does strange things

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It is only weeks away before the tenth season of "Supernatural," and fans will finally see Deanmon in action. Latest spoilers claim that the demon-possessed Winchester lad will run amok with a companion – Crowley.

CW Network recently released the official synopsis of the upcoming season's premiere episode. It reads:

DEAN IS LIVING IT UP AS A DEMON WHILE SAM HITS ROCK BOTTOM IN THE SEARCH FOR HIS BROTHER — Dean (Jensen Ackles) is a demon and running amuck with Crowley (Mark Sheppard) while Sam (Jared Padalecki) tries to figure out what happened to his brother. Meanwhile, Castiel (Misha Collins) is dealing with his diminishing grace."

It seems that the Winchester brothers' old pal will be an antagonist this season and will take advantage of Dean's situation, and it looks like he will make things hard for the other brother. Sam will be desperate to summon Crowley and will seek his help for his brother. However, the King of Hell will be on Dean's side and joins his violent ways.

A promo video for "Supernatural" season 10 shows that Demon Dean is enjoying his current state – marked by violence, womanizing, drunkenness, and singing Right Said Fred's song "I'm Too Sexy."

Sam will do his best in finding a cure for his brother, although the other does not want to be saved.  Sam will look for ways to save Dean, which leads him to do questionable things.  This can make the audience wonder if he could, in fact, be the "real monster."

Meanwhile, Castiel will be on the hunt for Metatron, which he believes to be the only way for him to get back his grace and his stature as an angel. Castiel will remind Sam that his brother is not the person he once knew.

"Supernatural" season 10 will be back on air on Oct. 7 at 9 p.m. on The CW Network.