Support of Christians helping father of missing chef

|PIC1|The father of missing university chef Claudia Lawrence says he is being helped by his faith and the support of fellow Christians as police continue to investigate his daughter’s disappearance.

Speaking to Premier Radio, Peter Lawrence paid tribute in particular to the support of the Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu.

"I think it would have been extremely difficult to get through the last four weeks without my faith and the help of all the Christian people I know," Peter Lawrence told Premier Christian Radio.

“Not only clergy, but friends. I get messages from all over the country. It's supporting. It doesn't make it any easier, but it is supporting. In particular, the Archbishop of York has been a great help.

"He telephoned me and asked what he could do. They set up a prayer candle and he asked what he could do, I simply said to him, 'Just pray.' He has been ever since."

Miss Lawrence has not been seen since she finished work at York University’s Goodricke College on March 18. Her last contact with anyone was at 8.30pm that day.

Dr Sentamu has invited anyone with information to contact him at his official residence, Bishopthorpe Palace, if they do not feel able to speak to the police.

Detectives are following two significant lines of enquiry, one involving the sighting of a couple rowing at the side of University Road in York at 6.10am on March 19, around the time Miss Lawrence would have walked to work.

Police are also interested in the claim of two men seen outside her house around one week before her disappearance.

Mr Lawrence told Premier: "I am sure there are things - like any father and daughter relationship, which she wouldn't tell me, but in general she told me what she was doing. We talked regularly and we saw each other regularly.

"Inside I feel absolutely dreadful and drained. There's part of my life missing. Outside I've got to keep strong to do things to keep Claudia's face out there so hopefully someone will see her."

Mr Lawrence issued a fresh appeal over Easter for help in finding his daughter.
"Easter is a time of hope, a time when families can be together, a time in the Christian church for celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ,” read a statement from the family.

"For Peter and the family, this is an impossibly difficult and bewildering time when life is on hold.

"They are gaining much strength from, and feeling sustained by, the prayers of those who have a faith and the compassionate thoughts of those who do not.

"They know that someone out there knows where Claudia is and hopes that, whoever they are, they will search their conscience and inform either the police or Crimestoppers. They are very grateful for everyone's kindness and now just wish for the safe return of Claudia to them and to her friends."