Tearfund Reducing Risk of Disaster One Year on From Kashmir Earthquake

One year after the devastating earthquake struck Kashmir, ongoing Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) work by Christian development agency Tearfund is continuing to dramatically reduce the vulnerability of villages in this remote region.

Many lessons were learned when the massive quake struck on 8 October 2005, flattening homes and buildings in seconds and leaving 80,000 dead. Not only were all efforts by aid agencies to bring food, water and shelter to people severely hampered by the remote mountainous terrain; the need for disaster prevention measures also became immediately apparent.

Some of the major problems identified in the aftermath of the disaster were also the inadequacy of the buildings, which were designed with no resistance to earth movement, and the communications between remote villages.

Tearfund, a leading advocate for DDR measures, was in the region in the immediate aftermath of the earthquake and was soon facilitating a village level communication system with communities near the remote town of Bagh.

The development agency has also worked closely with the local community elders over the year to develop a comprehensive Disaster Risk Reduction programme which includes first aid training, the formation of disaster committees to co-ordinate relief and training on building designs that are more resistant to quakes.

Schools and hospitals collapsing, due to poor structural design caused a high number of fatalities in the quake. Jon Kennedy, Operations Manager for Tearfund's Kashmir response, says that telling children not to run into buildings when the ground starts to quake is one simple education example that saves lives.

He explains that it is also about working together. "Local risk reduction isn't driven externally" says Jon. "It's about engaging with the culture and the remote village way of life to understand what works for the people as a community in the wake of a disaster. Through that dialogue and combined initiative we can help them build their own disaster management plan, to ensure that basic life saving measures - actions to reduce vulnerability, become part of community thinking to pass on for future generations."

Tearfund welcomed the British government's new policy on disaster risk reduction launched earlier this year, which included a commitment to spend 10 per cent of its emergency aid budget on reducing the risk of future disasters.

The agency said this set "a clear example to other European Union countries to do more to mitigate against the risks and reduce vulnerability".

It noted, however, that, "The EU must do more to develop a sufficient action plan for DRR", adding that although, the European Commission has expressed its support for DDR, measures to reduce disaster risks are not routinely included in EU external development assistance.

In addition to the DRR measures developed with villages, Tearfund's aid programme has supported over 30,000 families - some 180,000 people in the region, operating across six remote valleys.

Tearfund has worked to support survivors in other ways too. Since last October it has funded and distributed a total of 6,000 emergency shelter kits - including essential tools; blankets and mattresses; stoves and cooking utensils; warm cloths; provided medical assistance; 4,500 latrine/washroom kits and hygiene and water purification kits.

A public health promotion project is reducing the vulnerability of 6,500 households to disease. Detailed water surveys and repairs to water systems have also been carried out.

A total of more than £3 million has been spent on Tearfund's Kashmir quake operation, with the agency saying that the public support for their work was "extremely generous", through both the DEC appeal raising over £50 million and Tearfund supporters raising a further £2 million.

"Without this support agencies like Tearfund simply wouldn't be able to help those who most need it," the agency said.

Tearfund also acknowledges the essential support from the Pakistan Government and military logistics that has enabled teams to reach remote areas not accessible by roads destroyed in the earthquake.