Tens of Thousands of Christians Celebrate Easter with Spring Harvest

The annual massive evangelistic Christian festival in the UK- the Spring Harvest- has attracted tens of thousand Christians to spend their Easter Holiday in the Word of God and worship. Instead of looking at the worldly holiday pleasure, they are able to enjoy the fellowship of love in Christ with people of all ages and from a wide range of church backgrounds.

The 3-week main event of Spring Harvest this year is currently running at two locations- Skegness from 21st March to 10th April and Minehead from 26th March to 10th April.

At Skegness, a programme specialised in higher level Bible teaching called Word Alive was held from 21st March to 26th March. It is collaboration between Keswick Ministries, UCCF (Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship) and the Spring Harvest. Everyday, the early morning started with worship and prayer with all children, adults, students and young people. They were then divided into groups according to the age to have bible study led by experienced preachers. During the afternoon, they had free time for activities and sports. In the evening, all of them gathered again to join celebration night which focused on prayer and worship.

For World Alive Students and adult group, Jonathan Fletcher, Minister of Emmanuel Church, Wimbledon was invited as the preacher.

The overall theme for Spring Harvest 2005 is "Sing the Lord’s Song in a Strange Land". Based on the Book of Daniel in which the people of God were forced to move from Jerusalem to Babylon- a Gentile land, today’s church leaders are challenged by how Christians can keep their faith well in this secular world.

While the first week of Spring Harvest 2005 has started on 26th March, the second week begins on 31st March. Currently, it is still recruiting some volunteers. More news and photos update will be available later.