Text of UN Security Council statement on Burma

UNITED NATIONS - Following is the full text of a U.N. Security Council presidential statement on Burma, approved by the council's 15 members on Thursday.

The Security Council welcomes the recent mission by the Secretary-General's Special Adviser to Burma Mr. Ibrahim Gambari, reaffirms its strong and unwavering support for the Secretary-General's good offices mission as mandated by General Assembly Resolution 61/232, and expresses its appreciation for the personal engagement of the Secretary-General.

The Security Council strongly deplores the use of violence against peaceful demonstrations in Burma and welcomes Human Rights Council Resolution S-5/1 of 2 October 2007.

The Security Council emphasises the importance of the early release of all political prisoners and remaining detainees. It also calls on the Government of Burma and all other parties concerned to work together towards a de-escalation of the situation and a peaceful solution.

The Security Council stresses the need for the Government of Burma to create the necessary conditions, for a genuine dialogue with Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and all concerned parties and ethnic groups, in order to achieve an inclusive national reconciliation with the direct support of the United Nations.

The Security Council encourages the Government of Myanmar to consider seriously Mr. Gambari's recommendations and proposals.

The Security Council also calls on the Government of Burma to take all necessary measures to address the political, economic, humanitarian, and human rights issues that are the concern of its people and emphasises that the future of Burma lies in the hands of all of its people.

The Security Council welcomes the Government of Burma's public commitment to work with the United Nations and the appointment of a liaison officer with Daw Aung San Suu Kyi.

The Security Council stresses the importance that such commitments are followed by action. It acknowledges that the Government of Burmahad invited Mr. Gambari to Burma. It underscores its support for his return as early as possible, in order to facilitate concrete actions and tangible results. The Security Council urges the Government of Burma and all parties concerned to cooperate fully with Mr. Gambari.

The Security Council welcomes the important role played by the ASEAN countries in urging restraint, calling for a peaceful transition to democracy, and supporting the good offices mission.

It notes that the good offices mission is a process, and encourages the sustained support and engagement of the international community in helping Burma.

The Security Council remains seized of the matter.