'The Flash' spoilers: How will season 1 finale end?

Professor Zoom (the Reverse Flash)Wikimedia Commons

The plots and twists of "The Flash" can only get better and the last couple of episodes will prove to be interesting. After revealing who the Reverse Flash actually was, the stage could be finally set for a diabolical finale which will include the Arrow, Firestorm and maybe even the Atom.

In the last episode, it was revealed that Dr. Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh) is not actually the real Dr. Harrison Wells everyone though he was; the Reverse Flash is actually Eobard Thawne (Matt Letscher).

Apparently everything started when Thawne lost his ability to travel in time. But his best bet to fix the supposed irreparable time-travel talent was to assume the identity of a bright scientist named Harrison Wells. Thawne had planned the car accident for Wells and his love-interest, Tess (Bre Blair) and his intent was to assume the role of Wells and fix his ability to time travel with STAR labs.

With that angle cleared up, Thawne is expected to cause further havoc on Central City. At the way things look now, Barry Allen or the Flash may be up against multiple adversaries which could be too much to handle.

Remember that there is still Grodd the Gorilla and a rumored cross-over by Deathbolt. Deathbold is an electricity-powered villain who is expected to first appear on the Arrow. Hence, should Deathbolt add Central City to his regional mayhem plans, the Arrow and the Flash crossover is slowly taking shape.

The Reverse-Flash, Grodd and Deathbolt teaming up? Could there be more?

There are still a lot of other villains from both episodes unaccounted for. There is Ra's Al Ghul from the Arrow and Captain Cold from the Flash. Though their names haven't really been included in the speculated finale, anything is possible.

Bringing together four familiar members of the Justice League would need to be justified and perhaps a logical reason would be for the heroes to face up to multiple villains who have already popped up in the episodes of both TV series.