The One in Whom God Delights

"Here is my servant, whom I uphold,
my chosen one in whom I delight;
I will put my Spirit on him
and he will bring justice to the nations
He will not shout or cry out
or raise his voice in the streets"
-Isaiah 42:1-3

How often is it that we judge others before judging ourselves? This passage tells us of the deep heart of compassion that is within the ones whom God loves - the one's in whom he delights and puts His Spirit.

It is that God does not demand shouting or crying out at people in the streets. He does not demand raised voices nor burnt offerings, but rather compassion and love; Mercy not sacrifice.

It is not that God is an unfair God. God is fair and God demands justice, however, what is also important is that God forgives and God comforts...

How often are we so strict with other people? Here, God is explaining to us that we should be compassionate to others and strict to ourselves. A heart that is gentle and caring, that does not break a bruised reed and does not snuff out a smouldering wick.

In faithfulness he will bring forth justice;
he will not falter and be discouraged.

By living with these two hearts of justice and compassion, we can receive strength from God and live a true life of faith.

What kind of person should we be? We should be people that do not falter or be discouraged. The one who lives with the heart of compassion, does not falter or become discouraged. This kind of person recieves strength of God.

The kind of person can bring joy to God.

-Author Unknown