What's The One Secret to Overcoming Overwhelming Seasons In Your Life?


Life seems to have this knack of getting pretty overwhelming at times. The challenge of juggling tasks, relationships, uncontrollable circumstances and many other things all at once can often get us feeling like we're carrying more than we can handle. How do we escape the sense of being overwhelmed?

One thing we must learn about overwhelming seasons is that they do not come intentionally. No one wakes up one day saying, "I am determined to be completely overwhelmed and preoccupied today!" 

Weight isn't always a bad thing. A right amount of it can help us grow, but when the weight goes way beyond our capacity, it may not be good for us. It can actually destroy us. Many times in my life, I can face an overwhelming mountain. I'm not completely out of the rut and there are still moments that I can feel crushed under a lot of weight so I'm actually preaching to myself with this.

The secret to overcoming the 'overwhelm' lies in one small practice that we can start today. That practice is this: Let go.

The only reason why we hold so many tasks, relationships, circumstances is because we refuse to let go of them. Because we want to please others, grab every opportunity, minister to every soul, catch every client, learn every practice, we overwhelm ourselves more often than circumstances overwhelm us. Ultimately, it is our choice to hold on to things or let them go when we feel crushed under all the weight.

I am firmly reminded by what Jesus says in Matthew 11:28-29, "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." What Jesus is basically saying here is this: Give me the weight you can no longer bear.

That toxic relationship, that overwhelming circumstance, that failing business, that rough client or that difficult discipleship case - it belongs in Jesus' hands not yours. We must always remember that we are limited beings with limited time, money, energy and attention and must carefully assess and allocate these to the things that we can reasonably handle. Everything else, God just waits for you to lay at His feet.

God can and will take care of your circumstances, relationships, tasks better than you ever can if you simply allow Him to do so. In doing that we can focus on the things that matter most and not feel overwhelmed by things that can  take us off the track of God's best. Are you feeling overwhelmed today? Take the toughest things that crush you under their weight and lay them at the feet of Jesus.