The Pope & Christian Democrats call for Strong Christian Convictions in EU

Running alongside the signing of the final text of the European Union (EU) constitution by 25 countries at Campidoglio, which is the political and religious centre of ancient Rome, the Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi signalled to the media that he is highly likely to replace his controversial nominee, Rocco Buttiglione to the European Commission.

The incoming European Commission President, Jose Manuel Barroso announced the temporary withdrawal of his team, the Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi has been re-emphasising his support for his nominee Rocco Buttiglione. However, his present proposal to replace Buttiglione shows that his stance over the issue has been very much softened.

The incoming European Commission has finally buckled under the pressure of the MEPs (especially from the Socialist Party in the Parliament) and is planning a comprehensive reshuffle of the team. Despite the “surrender” of the team, the Pope and Protestant politicians are standing firm for the centre of the dispute, Rocco Buttiglione, who declared that as a Catholic he regards homosexuality as a sin.

Ingo Friedrich, Chairman of the Christian Democratic Protestant Association in Bavaria and one of the Vice-Presidents of the European Parliament, representing the Christian Democrats in Europe, insisted their demand that outspoken Christians - similar to Buttiglione - must be included in a renewed proposal for the EU-Commission.

Friedrich also stated that it is unacceptable that the Socialist Left should reject a designated commissioner merely on the basis of his Christian convictions.

According to the IDEA newspaper, the essence of the argument put forward by Socialists, Greens and Liberals in the EU-Parliament was apparently, “Catholics may be members of a church but not of the European Commission.”

The Pope John Paul, as a close friend to Buttiglione also intervened. He called for a resolution of the crisis by "reciprocal respect in a spirit of goodwill".

Responding to the ratification of the brand new EU constitution by 25 EU members yesterday, the Pope once again condemned the EU saying that it was wrong to leave Europe’s centuries-old Christian heritage out of its new constitution. Friedrich, Chairman of the Christian Democratic Protestant Association accused leftist groups in the EU-Parliament of an “intolerable ignorance of the Christian faith”. The Association criticised the new EU constitution for making no reference to God or the Christian faith.

In relation to the Buttiglione’s situation, it is evident to say that most MEPs are determined to hold onto a vision of the EU as a secular entity, which is in contrast to the view of the Vatican as well as most Protestant Churches across Europe.