The Sixth ALCOE Reawakes Passion for Evangelisation of Asia

|PIC1|The Executive Committee of Asia Lausanne are gearing up to hold the Sixth Asia Lausanne Conference on Evangelism (ALCOE VI) next year in the Philippines on May 22-26.

Only 150 participants, a maximum of seven leaders per country, will be invited. The Committee noted that they want the participants to be church leaders who are known for being influential in the evangelisation of Asia. Those who are not participating will be guests.

The Committee's objective is to "reawaken" the participants with the passion to evangelise Asia, and by fostering "effective strategies" at the conference, they hope that participants will "recommit [their] hearts to the task."

The theme will be "A New Heart for the Evangelisation of Asia."

The Sixth conference will continue the mission of previous ALCOE conferences that were held in Singapore, Indonesia, Kuala Lumpar, and South Korea, as well as the the vision of Lausanne and Lausanne II, to evangelise "the whole church" and to "proclaim the whole gospel to the whole world."

|PIC2|At the last ALCOE conference in Seoul, Korea, they said that evangelising Asia is not an easy task. For instance, Asia comprises of hundreds of ethnic groups with thousands of different languages. Four of the world's top religious strongholds - Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, and Islamism - reside in these areas.

In a statement at the fifth ALCOE, it said a good majority has never heard the gospel or have it explained in a "meaningful" way, "nor have they been touched by the love of Christ."

The statement concluded, "We, as Asian Christian leaders, standing on the promises of God," should "commit ourselves to this glorious task entrusted to us by our Lord Jesus Christ, knowing that the power of the Holy Spirit is ours as we move forward in partnership to make known the whole gospel throughout Asia and the world."

Executive committee members of Asian Lausanne Committee for World Evangelisation (ALCOWE) are Dr. Jong Yun Lee as chair, Dr. Hwa Yung as vice chair, Rev. Makito Masaki as secretary, Lim K. Tham as treasurer, Dr. John Chong Nahm Cho, Dr. Ken Gnanakan, and Rev. Stephen Mirpuri.

Jennifer Lee
Christian Today Correspondent