'The Young and the Restless' spoilers: Stitch confesses, Victoria's paternity test, and Phyllis remains in vegetative state

This week in "The Young and the Restless" marks a week of revelations. There will be shocking secret reveals that "Y&R" fans won't want to miss. Here's the spoilers from July 21 to 25, according to Soap Central:

Stitch's Secret

The week will start with Barton letting Stitch know that there are rumors about him circulating. Stitch is worried, but prepares for the worst. Stitch's secret starts to unveil when Victoria told Stitch that she will undergo a paternity test, to know who the father of her baby is. Stitch panics, but remains calm. Later, Stitch will tell Victoria everything.

Adding to Stitch's worries, Kelly calls him up to tell him that she already told Jack "everything." Kelly is relieved that Jack won't tell Billy about what she told him.

Meanwhile, before Victoria takes the paternity test, she and Stitch have a lunch date. Elsewhere, Billy discovered that Kevin told Chelsea Stitch's real name. Billy heads to the lunch date and makes a scene. He demands Stitch to confess to Victoria everything that he is hiding, including his past. According to the spoilers, Kevin will discover a new secret about Stitch.

Summer and Austin

Summer wants Austin to accompany her to the family dinner at the Abbotts. However, Austin refuses her request. At the family dinner, Traci makes things awkward by trying to fix things. Also, tension mounts with William's marriage.

Victor and Phyllis

Victor goes to the hospital to talk to Phyllis' doctor. The Dr. Burnett tells Victor that Phyllis is "mostly unresponsive." They also talk about how Phyllis can be a perfect candidate for an experimental medical procedure, according to IBT. The procedure might help Phyllis recover from her unresponsive state, but it is unsure if Phyllis will go back to her old self.

Christine, Paul and Nikki

Christine is still concern about Paul's health, especially when he has a bad encounter with a reporter. Meanwhile, Paul will not appear in Nikki's trial since it can affect Nikki's case negatively. David is using Nikki's past to win the case. Nikki is very appreciative about Paul and Christine's support.

Don't miss "The Young and the Restless" this week on CBS at 12:30 p.m.