There is no measuring your worth


Your life is worth more than you think. It's not because you're special (which you are); neither is it because of what you can do (although you may have been given talents and gifts). Your worth goes beyond what you can offer. It is imputed by the value that has been transferred from Jesus Christ to you when He paid the price for your life on the cross.

Maybe you've had people tell you that you're worthless, cheap or value-less. You may have done cheap and worthless things, but those mistakes are no longer on you if you believe in Christ; they are all automatically on the cross.

One thing I've picked up from a former life of gallery art is that the worth of your art is always based on the highest value someone is willing to pay for. It doesn't matter if you think your work is junk—which is really always the case for artists—if a person says it's valuable, then you sell it at the number the buyer writes on the check.

It's no different with our worth. The worth and value of our life is not dependent on what we think of ourselves, but rather on the highest price someone is willing to pay. And we all know that God found your life to be so valuable that He paid for you with the price of the blood of His own Son, Jesus Christ, who is the most valuable being there can ever be.

2 Corinthians 5:21 tells us, "For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God" (ESV). We are made righteous by God thus we are made valuable by God not by our own works, not by our own appraisal, but by the divine appraisal Jesus made for you on the cross.

If there's one thing the enemy loves to attack, it's the value of your life. John 10:10 tells us, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly" (ESV). There is an enemy who tries to steal, kill and destroy your value, but Jesus comes to give value more abundantly.

There is no measuring your worth because when the Father looks at you, He sees the righteousness and identity of Jesus Christ in you because the cross has now imputed His worth on you and that price tag is now on your forehead. Sure you've made mistakes in the past, but as we lay that at God's feet, He wipes away the damage and makes us brand new. You value is not dependent on who you are or what you have done. It is solely dependent on what Christ has done for you.