'Titanfall 2' release date soon? Developer teases fans about 'Titanfall' sequel

Titanfall website

News about the sequel to "Titanfall" has already been circulating since early last year, with multiple sources saying that the next iteration of the game will be a Microsoft exclusive. But it is just this year that the title's second installment has been much more fleshed out.

During an interview with IGN at the 2015 BAFTA Game Awards in London early this year, developer Respawn via co-founder Vince Zampella already said that they are working on a sequel for the "Titanfall" game. 

Said Zampella, "No official name yet, but we're working on that. That's the main focus but we're starting up a second team and doing some smaller stuff too. Small, exploratory, taking it slow! It'll be multiplatform." 

Zampella was rather ambiguous with his statement. Still, it seems that the sequel is becoming more and more solid. Recently, Respawn's community manager Abbie Heppe's passing comments touched on the title's progress. 

Speaking on a podcast, Heppe said, "The really nice thing about working on a sequel is we have established the core of what 'Titanfall' is. We have assets, we have an engine, we have all of these things that we laid the foundation for in the first game that now we can really build off of in the second." 

Even if Heppe was simply evaluating the chances of a second installment because of the ready-made foundations of the first, the statement still indicates that "Titanfall 2" is included in the developer's plans. Of course, hardcore gamers hope that the sequel will add more flavor to the title and not just be a rehash. Game observers think that the second "Titanfall" will have an expansion on its list of weapons and armaments, new and improved armors, and a richer and much more involved storyline in the single campaign mode.