Two parents better for children than one, poll finds

A new poll from the Christian Socialist Movement has found that more than three quarters of people (79 per cent) agree that it is better for a child’s quality of life to live with two parents rather than one.

Nearly half of the 1,000 people polled (45%) also said they agreed that it is better for a child’s quality of life to live with two married parents rather than two co-habiting parents.

The survey also found that over three quarters (78%) of people believe marriage is a private choice in which the government should not get involved.

Nearly two thirds (64%) of people, however, said the Government should encourage marriage generally but not through tax incentives.

When asked about improving community life ‘good schools’ (91%) came top of the list of factors which determined quality of life, followed by: lower levels of crime and disorder (85%) and stable families (76%).

These three factors came higher than a strong local economy (71%) and high quality housing (56%).

When asked how important various factors were for couples choosing to get married the poll revealed that most people (95%) believed loving each other was most important, followed by financial security (76%), having children (56%). Religious reasons were considered the least important factor (41%).

CSM Director Andy Flannagan said: "This survey shows why family policy cannot be squeezed into narrow ideological agendas.

"It is too easy for the family to become a political football, yet it is an important building block for our society. These issues are always sensitive but we can resolve to talk about them with maturity and grace.

"The survey shows strong support for two-parent families and family stability. Interestingly, the intentionally public decision to marry is seen as a private choice. However, the survey suggests that marriage should be supported by the state."