'Vampire Diaries' season 6: Will Sheriff Forbes pull through tonight?


The American supernatural drama television series continues on with season 6 as the 12th episode of the season will reveal to fans perhaps the biggest threat that will be coming to Mystic Falls. No doubt the series have placed the characters as well as viewers in a very tight and emotional spot, particularly when it comes to Caroline. Fans might have to hold their breath as Caroline is preparing for the worst thing that could ever happen to her; losing her mother, Sherriff Forbes.

Her attempt to cure her mother of her affliction backfired when Caroline believed she had found a solution. Forcing her mother to drink Caroline's blood resulted in the cancer spreading at a far more alarming pace within her body. During the events that took place in the previous episode, Damon was able to rescue Elena (who has no memory of ever loving him) with the assistance of Jo. However, the other Salvatore brother still has to come up with a solution in order to rescue Bonnie from her time suspended prison.

It can be speculated that the only way to free Bonnie of her imprisonment will be through communication, since she is the only individual in the group whose forte is witchcraft. Elena, Damon and Jeremy will attempt to bridge the message to Bonnie through by puzzling all the pieces of a broken Ascendant.

For fans who are unaware about the next episode's title; "Prayer For the Dying" is an easy way to conclude that someone will be breathing their last. For now, all eyes are on Sheriff Forbes. While Caroline braces herself for what could be an irreparable loss, it is comforting to know that both Salvatore brothers and Elena will be present to help Caroline during this difficult phase.

What is even more important to note that due to Caroline's current vulnerable state, it might spike an emotional contact with Stefan, since Damon's attraction for Elena has not yet faded. Regardless, all information to what will transpire will be available in the next episode.