Walthamstow churches treat unsung heroes

St Mary's Church in Walthamstow Village was filled with volunteers breaking the habit of a lifetime last Friday.

Instead of serving others, for once they were waited upon themselves. They were given the opportunity to put their feet up and enjoy a dinner hosted by the Parish of Walthamstow to recognise and thank them for their work as volunteers over the past year.

"When we counted up," said lay evangelist Wendy Coxhill, "we were astonished to find just how many people did offer their time and their different talents to their neighbours in this way."

The parish currently has more than 200 volunteers involved in a wide range of areas including children's and youth work, work with the elderly, community outreach and pastoral care.

Team Rector, the Rev Simon Heathfield, pointed to the parish's strapline, 'Working for the Heart of Walthamstow'.

"Most of this work - about 70 per cent - is with and for people who are not 'card-carrying' church members in any sense. But they are our community. Little of the way we try to help show Christ's love for Walthamstow and its people could continue without the dedication and long-term commitment of all those we are honouring this Friday."