'We never stopped praying,' says kidnap for ransom survivor

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Last March, Open Doors partner Grace and her four children were kidnapped for ransom in Kaduna State, Nigeria, by radicalised Fulani. She and three of her children were released after the ransom was paid but tragically, her son was killed by their abductors.

Sadly, kidnappings for ransom are just one of the many ways that faithful Christians are being caught up in Nigeria's spiralling violence - the country ranks 6th on Open Doors' 2023 World Watch List of countries where Christians suffer the worst persecution.

Grace speaks to Christian Today about the fear Christians in Nigeria are living with, but also her incredible and unwavering faith in God.

CT: What was going through your mind when you were abducted?

Grace: They came in and told us to sit down and at that moment, I started praying. I was praying that God would not let them take us away, but it happened that we were taken to their camp. Even there, though, we never stopped praying and fasting for God to deliver us and set us free and that not a single one of us would be lost. Sadly we lost three.

CT: Did you feel a sense of God being with you?

Grace: Yes, I was very strong in my spirit, I was not shaking, and I felt strongly that God was with us and I knew that God would not leave us alone because I know that those who trust in God will never be put to shame.

CT: How dangerous is it to be a Christian in Nigeria at the moment?

Grace: It's very dangerous and we are not free. There are some areas where we cannot go to declare our faith freely because we are afraid and even during Sunday services we need security guards during the worship. Kidnapping for ransom has spread to nearly every part of the country. In my area especially, you hear nearly every day of someone who has been kidnapped for ransom. And some of the people who were kidnapped with me are still in the camp. In most of the areas in Nigeria, we are afraid that they might attack again.

CT: What kind of support is available for people like yourself who have gone through this kind of traumatic experience?

Grace: I was able to receive help from Open Doors. When we came back I was traumatized and afraid. Even a little sound would frighten me. Someone told us about Open Doors and we went to the trauma healing session and it helped us a lot. In addition to that, my daughter was sick and needed a blood transfusion. Open Doors paid for our medical bills and I'm really grateful for that.

CT: What would you like the Nigerian government to do to resolve this situation?

Grace: The Nigerian government has to tighten up its belt, especially when it comes to security. The military, the air force and all the military apparatus should come together as one and fight the insurgency. They are living in the bush. It's not as if they don't know where they are. If the government just gave the order, it would be followed and everything would come to an end.

CT: How can the UK Church support Christians in Nigeria?

Grace: Through your prayers. Seriously, Christians in Nigeria need prayers as we face all kinds of different insurgencies and tribulations.