When it feels like Jesus isn't enough


Can the love of Jesus pay the bills, get you a good husband or wife, and give you that promotion you want or the peace and joy that you so desperately long for?

To all that, the answer is a resounding and confident "yes," because it's been proven over and over again in scripture and in our own lives.

It can sometimes feel foolish to sing the song "Christ is Enough" by Hillsong because there may be doubts in us that stop us from believing that Jesus really is all that we need.

What does it mean to say that Jesus is everything we need? Does that mean that we quit our jobs, stop paying bills, leave the church and just talk to Jesus? Not necessarily, but it does mean that as we live our lives, Jesus must be present in our every decision, task, motive and desire.

When we doubt that Jesus is more than enough, it's often because we doubt whether He is powerful enough to meet all our needs. But let us be reminded of what 2 Peter 1:3 says: "His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us to His own glory and excellence."

It is only by the divine power of Christ that we are granted life.

So, sure, Jesus won't give you a Chevy, a million dollars or a trip to Maldives, but that doesn't mean He can't. He just knows that it's not what you need right now. What you need most is a relationship with Him first and foremost. The things of this world will pass, but what Christ has to offer is eternal and never runs out—that's His grace and mercy, which is the root of all blessing.

In John 4:13, "Jesus said to her, 'Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again,'" and then goes on to say that He is that living water.

2 Corinthians 12:9 tells us, "But he said to me,'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me."

Jesus is more than enough, not because He can be your magic genie that will pop into existence whatever you want. He is more than enough because He meets every desire—physiological and spiritual. Jesus is not just satisfaction for the body, but also for the soul and spirit. A vacation won't heal your broken heart and a Chevy won't save your broken spirit. Only Jesus can do that and only Jesus does that.

Jesus is more than enough because He meets all our everyday needs—spiritual and physical. It's by Him that we have the ability to produce wealth, to be spiritual and emotionally healed, to be given strength and power and to live life the way God designed for us to live.