Where to find the peace of Christ, a peace that's unlike worldly peace, in the midst of troubles and stress


Peace is often a dream for those who do not understand it. Some disciplines teach how to find "inner peace" without realising that the peace that the world gives is not lasting, and is easily broken and gone.

Some define peace as the absence of conflict or war. Some define it as a "quiet" lifestyle characterised by serene and tranquil surroundings, warm smiles from friendly neighbours, and inner calmness in daily living. Sadly this kind of peace goes away when troubles come. The death of a loved one, a sudden calamity, an unexpected hardship – all these drive earthly peace away just like a strong wind carries dry leaves.

But there's a peace that's unlike worldly peace. It's called the peace of Christ. It's the peace that Christ had.

The Lord Jesus Christ promised to give His peace to all who follow Him. He said in John 14:27, "I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don't be troubled or afraid."

Christ's peace is different from the peace that the world gives. How? In many ways! Here are but some of their differences.

1. Christ's peace is strong in the midst of trial

When He said those words, Christ knew that He will soon face such agony and pain, even death. Yet He had a firm resolve, a peace in His heart that although it will be painful, by it He will fulfill the Father's will.

2. Christ's peace is not diminished by circumstances

Christ faced various situations that would normally break the heart and rob the peace out of a strong man's heart: He was condemned by those whom He loved, was betrayed by a trusted friend (Judas Iscariot), was left by all His disciples except the "disciple whom He loved" (most probably John; see John 19:26-27), felt abandoned by His own Father God (hence His words, "Eli, Eli, lama sabachtani?" in Matthew 27:46) – all this despite the fact that He did not deserve any of it. Yet He went through it all without fail.

3. Christ's peace comes from overcoming the world

Worldly peace comes from the world. A Christian's peace comes from knowing that Christ has overcome the world (see John 16:33). There's a huge difference in that.

The world's peace is determined by factors such as economy, crime rate and safety, among others. Christ's peace is not dependent on that. It's dependent on the truth that God reigns over everything, and that Jesus has overcome sin and death.

Do you want the peace of Christ? You can only have it by trusting in Him for everything. Don't worry, He is more trustworthy than any security agency, more powerful than any world power, and more concerned about you than you'll ever understand.